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It keeps freezing partways through :(

Edit: It's always sometime after the first boss for some reason

It wouldn't be so much of a problem, but because there's no save function I can't complete the game.

Thanks for letting me know!

It appears to happen whenever the cards are being drawn as far as I can tell

AFAIK Fixed! Thank you and yippee!


As i understand it the web version is complete and youre working on a full version. however, it does seem rather odd that the explanation of how to play is hidden in the description and settings rather than provided by the game itself. i suppose its no major issue for now as you can simply reset if you dont like what happens early on but its definitely a struggle to figure out what to do at the start

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Thanks for your feedback. 

The game was made within a short time frame of 2 weeks as part of a game jam, and unfortunately, there was not enough time to include a proper tutorial within the game itself.

A YouTube video tutorial is available for the game as a band-aid solution and an updated version of the game has been released on CrazyGames, which includes a prompt at the start asking if the player would like to view the in-game explanation.
However, I have not updated the version, as I have been busy with other projects.

Thank you for trying out my game and I hope you enjoy playing it despite the initial struggles.

Hey this is a super cool game! Is it finished?

Thank you for the super kind comment!

There will be another update in the near future to fix a couple of things, but that will be all for the web version as I consider it to be mostly finished. 

I am still undecided whether turning this into a proper commercial game would be a good idea. Game design is the only thing I'm confident in, so I'd definitely need to look for people to help me with this project.

Deleted 2 years ago

Do you have discord?

Deleted 2 years ago
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 I was personally quite entertained  by the possibilities this game offers, and would recommend it to just about anyone interested in those genres.

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Nice run!


Wonderful game.

I’ve run into a few crashes, though. Sometimes when something is about to happen, the rendering will freeze, though the music continues.

Thank you!

A few friends have reported the same issue, however I haven't been able to reproduce it. I did change a likely culprit though so hopefully the crashes should be gone now.

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Just had it happen again. An enemy was going to 0 hitpoints due to status conditions (poison or bleed), the hitpoint indicator had animated larger and changed to 0, and then before it finished shrinking down and the enemy rolled onto its side, the game froze.

The previous time it happened was also when an enemy was about to lose its last hitpoints due to a status condition.

First of all, let me thank you for all the feedback you have provided regarding this!

I already suspected that it might be my tweening library failing to execute a sequence (maybe due to fps drops) and ensured that it runs in "safe mode" but apparently that didn't solve the problem.

A new build with some manual safety checks has just been published and hopefully this bug won't happen again.

Please, make a downloadable version for PC.